Stay safe.
Author: Piet Frans
Lock Up/Down Day 2
Lock Up/Down, Day 1
Stay safe.
Lock Up/Down
Igi nor Amos will take a back seat for a few weeks. With the 21 day (or more?) lockdown in… Read more Lock Up/Down
Herge – Thanks for the memories
The other night I was paging through a book on how the creator of Tintin, George Remi alias Herge, worked.… Read more Herge – Thanks for the memories
Cartoon cleanup continues
The cleanup of all the Igi nor Amos cartoons is nearly done. Some of the cartoons require a lot of… Read more Cartoon cleanup continues
Classical tenors
For the lovers of classical music, here is Igi and Amos’ debut at La Scala…. Now only to clean up… Read more Classical tenors
With the Queen
Here is the latest cleaned up up cartoon. I just had to share it before it becomes redundant, should the… Read more With the Queen
Preparing to publish!
Submission of Igi nor Amos’ book for publishing is in the final straight. So, some (hopefully) improvements are being made.… Read more Preparing to publish!
In the mid-seventies of the previous century(!) my sister one evening came home from her Arthur Murray dance class. Her… Read more Tiddlywinks?!